Monday, December 13, 2010

Quick update!

So I have been meaning to update but life has just been so busy... ethan is getting so big...he even uses the big boy potty! He gets so excited to go on his very one potty. School is well school! Finals are tomorrow and I should be studying but need a bit of a break. Dan, Ethan, And I leave for Hawaii on Thurs and I could not be more excited. His family will all come down a few days later. We are planning to go scuba diving, learning to surf, whale watching and so much more. We will be there for 2 and 1/2 weeks. I will definitely take lots of pictures and post them. We will them be going on a cruise from January23rd to February 1st with our good friends Caitlin and Andrew along with Annie and Caleb.. It is going to be so fun. I only have one more semester left and am so excited. My sister Kristi moved in with us in August and it has been so nice.... she cleans when stressed!!! Other then that not to much is happening... Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We love you all

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